Pears and checklists

The last weekend  has been a very exciting one, as myself and my fellow Ordinands were Ordained as Deacons, in Chelmsford Cathedral, over the weekend. 

It is a big moment and of course there are logistics to pay attention to, all the more complicated with Covid restrictions. There were some key things to bring to the service and I know I was not alone in checking my bag again and again, just to make sure I had everything with me. 

It reminded me of my daughters starting school and going over the checklists again and again to make sure we had what we needed.( When I say we, I really mean me). It is something to do with jumping in, moving into the unknown and trying to ensure you get it right. 

To move to a completely different scenario, this year we have a pear tree in the garden laden with fruit.  Not being very sure of  when to harvest, I have been consulting various books and of course - what Monty has to say online.

If I have it right ,the advice has been to check on the fruit and when it comes away in your hand it is ready, so each morning ,I have tentatively checked (after checking my bag, you understand , it was a very busy week) and if I was in doubt, left well alone. 

Until the night it rained last week, and I woke up to find a whole branch lying on the grass, which seemed  a pretty clear sign that the fruit needed picked.  

So as I find myself checking and wondering over so many things in my life, I'm going to remember the branch on the grass. God tells us when the time is right. It is in his hands, he has been there all the time, behind and before us, he will keep us right, even when we get it wrong.  

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He shall direct your paths. 

Proverbs 3 vs 5-6
