Faith and tomato plants

I don’t know about you, but in our house the start of the second week has seen a lowering of spirits, a sense that  this is for the long haul and we are going to have to get our heads down and get on with it.

I decided to retreat to the shed I use as a studio and do a bit of work out here. I am currently sharing it with tomato plants to keep them warm  so the room is a strange mix of paint and foliage but this morning they made  me think of hot summer days and eating outside   and it  gave a little bright spark to aim for. 

This morning’s reading from Hebrews( Hebrews 11 vs 17- 31) told of God's great works through the ages, impossible things, yet not impossible for God. And each began with the words, “By faith”. So this Monday I am holding onto that faith….that summer will come, that this will pass, that we will sit outside and eat tomatoes …. That, as God has promised, in the end all will be well.
Today's tomato plant sketch 

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11 vs 1
