Happy Easter

March 6th seems a very long time ago. It is a long journey through Lent in many ways and for each of us it is different. What I have enjoyed this year is being together each Wednesday as a church family, sharing together in our meal, our worship, and our thoughts.

I am not sure enjoyed is the right word for this week's journey. It has been quiet, contemplative, deeply meaningful and often painful journey as we followed the story and tried to make sense of what it all means.  It would have been so much easier to turn away, to be tempted by the Easter the world has to offer. But I have found meaning in being able to do both. To embrace the sunny, joyful happiness of family time, children home, and hard though it has been to tear myself from that sometimes, to enter the mystery and pain of Passiontide. Together the tension has been exactly what Easter is, joy and sorrow, our humanity and the unfathomable mystery of Holy Week.

Twice this Lent I have been with children encouraging them to ask big questions of God, and twice someone has asked, why did God make us? It has been a question ringing in my ears as I heard again of Jesus' arrest, trial and crucifixion and yet the answer is the simplest possible - because he loves us.

A very joyful and happy Easter to everyone.
