Happy January

This morning I went the dog walk without the dog.

That was not an error of judgement on my part, although one of the teenagers did actually do that over the holiday and only realised when they were outside that they had forgotten the dog. No Macy unfortunately couldn't come because, rather seasonally I thought, she had an infected foot from standing on a pine needle.

So I went alone partly because it was such a lovely morning and partly because I needed the exercise after Christmas (need I say more.) 

Either way it was lovely to be outside and see while I have been hibernating over the holidays just how much the hedgerow had been growing and the bulbs coming through. Its good to know that even when we think its dark and miserable and  the depth of winter, the earth is quietly, steadily coming to life, and we don't have to do anything . I think that's a good thought to start the year

"indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep." Psalm 121 vs 4
