Prom night

Friday night was prom night.

There had been preparations, the dress the shoes, all done a while back and then during the week the hair ,the nails and finally it was time and the doorbell was ringing and the usual bunch of chattering girls arrived at the door - except they were nothing like the usual bunch of chattering girls.

Yes they were chattering but what had happened to the plaid skirts and rolled up sleeves , the shirts not tucked in and the tie just a little below standard regulations. No here instead were tall, elegant young women, hair pinned up, in ballgowns and it was one of these moments.

One of these moments when you realise your daughter is no longer the little bobbed girl wearing a traffic cone on her head ( yes we do have that photo - one of my favourites of the girls) but is well on the way to being grown up. It's such a mixture of pride and nostalgia and joy all rolled into one.

There have been so many blessings on this journey, there are so many blessing each day still and life is blessed with so many possibilities yet to come. On Tuesday night one of our tutors at CCS summed up our time in one of the shortest yet joyful prayers I have heard, and it seemed right on this journey too :

" For the past, thanks
For the future, Yes."

"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!" 2 Corinthians vs 15
