Lisa and Me

So along with every other tourist we went to visit the Louvre and to admire the Mona Lisa. There is however a strange new ritual since I was last there. People approach the painting , turn their back raise their selfie stick, take a picture making sure they are positioned smiling beside said lady and then walk off --- without ever turning round to actually look at the painting.

It seems very sad that now don't take any time to experience a moment (or a painting ) before ticking our tick list and moving on to the next highlight.

Before I fall off my lofty perch however, I can think on the times when I do things to just get them done, without truly being in the moment - so I am in no position to judge.

But the Mona Lisa , really?

 This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118 vs 24
