Everything All the time

Last week someone sent me a poster which said

"Internet down, forced to spend time with the family, seem like a nice bunch"

I thought it was really funny and duly sent it round the family. It can seem a bit like that sometimes, and its not just the kids , we can just as easily get caught up in emails and twitter and texts because the age of 'everything all the time' is both a blessing and a curse.

I like to have information at my fingertips, I love that I can text my daughters no matter where they are or whether they  want to hear from me or not, and I like the fact that even on my day off i can keep up to speed with emails and what is going on at work.

But when i stop to think about it, I wonder what I might be missing all the time I am glued to that small rectangle of information.

I'm beginning to think it might be something I try for Lent, putting my phone away as soon as I leave work until the next morning? Could I, dare I?  I'll keep you posted and who knows 

" Phone away, forced to live in the moment, seems like a good place to be"

"There, in the presence of the LORD your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the LORD your God has blessed you." Deuteronomy 12 vs 7
