During lockdown various members of the family have been doing the shopping and one of them brought back these amazing Emperor lemons instead of our normal , essential, small, unremarkable lemons. They were so gorgeous I wanted to paint them and stuck them on top of an old crate to let the sun at them. However as I spent time looking and painting, I began to see that the colours on what had seemed an old, ordinary, box were all sorts of lovely shades which set off the bright yellow of the lemons.
What has all this got to do with anything? Well I began to think about how overlooked the ordinary is....
In our days of staying in, I have begun to look forward to ordinary things in the day and find pleasure in these small tasks that give a rhythm and a structure. Putting on the washing, watering the plants, yes and even cleaning the house. While I really miss the "lemons in my life" …. going out, holidays, coffee with friends, these things shine all the more, because of the quiet, ordinary moments.
So maybe this is a time for us to see the beauty in the little, ordinary, everyday things. To see what God's handprint on them might be, what he might be saying to us through them and to see the colour they bring to the picture.
"The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives." Psalm 37 vs 23 NLT
What has all this got to do with anything? Well I began to think about how overlooked the ordinary is....
In our days of staying in, I have begun to look forward to ordinary things in the day and find pleasure in these small tasks that give a rhythm and a structure. Putting on the washing, watering the plants, yes and even cleaning the house. While I really miss the "lemons in my life" …. going out, holidays, coffee with friends, these things shine all the more, because of the quiet, ordinary moments.
"The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives." Psalm 37 vs 23 NLT
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