Dazzling Dandelions - Friend or foe?

 You may have spotted that Dandelions are becoming a bit of a thing.....Apparently Facegroup communities in Singapore are desperate for the seeds, in awe of this beautiful, yellow flower, with its high vitamin and mineral content. 

UK gardeners watch on bemused, reflecting on the hours spent removing dandelions from the grass, and the mixed joys of watching children blow the seed clock heads, delighting in their pleasure but secretly cringing as they watch a million seeds take flight to be deposited  all over the garden. Not so in Singapore.

Perhaps this is a stark reminder that how we view things simply depends on our perspective. I wonder how often we see things and situations as obstacles or a nuisance, failing to notice that they are  dazzling opportunities , or how often we pass by people not really seeing them and the gift they can be to the world. How often in following our desires for a neat grass do we get rid of a treasure?

In his ministry, Jesus always noticed those others ignored or wanted to push aside; the blind man, the woman who touched his garment, the children...in fact he used the flowers of the field, as an example of beauty given from the Father which was  beyond even the jewelled robes of Solomon. That dandelions can dazzle, is no surprise to him.

Treasuring the dandelion will be a hard sell to my husband, but I like the reminder that I should try  shifting my perspective and seeing the value in things I too often disregard. 

"And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,  yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Matthew 6 vs 28-29


                                            A quick sketch of dandelions from this morning's walk
