One morning recently I was driving to my art class but couldn’t enter the road as a team were repairing it and had their lorry across the entrance. I didn't question but just drove on and parked elsewhere. All good so far,except I then had to carry far too many bags and an oil painting which hadn’t yet dried. Arriving at the class, with paint all over my jacket , I was surprised to find everyone else all set up and their cars parked neatly in the car park. "How did you do that ?" I asked. To be told , "we just asked and they moved the lorry"
"We just asked", gosh that seemed too easy and yet it was the truth. So I was left questionning why I didnt just ask, and why I often don’t ask which led me on to prayer. How many times do we all struggle on without asking for help, especially God’s help. Why do we always think we have to do it alone, and end up carrying more than we can bear?
How persistent are we in our prayers? How expectant are we for answers ? And yet we are told:
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" Matthew. Vs 7
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