Tonight sees the start of Bakeoff, a much beloved staple in our house, and a programme that seems to be so much more than a baking competition. It seems to signal the end of holidays, but to make that bearable, as we gently slide into Autumn with each passing technical challenge. Lucy Mangan writing in the Guardian, describes how she squirrels away the "little nuggets of goodness" in each episode; the "camaraderie, the striving, the creativity", to be enjoyed when the world seems overwhelming.
We have just returned from a glorious family wedding in Scotland where joy, laughter and love surrounded us, it was hard to leave it behind and to re -enter the world where the realities of trade wrangling and Amazonian deforestation present a much bleaker picture. I too want to squirrel away "nuggets of goodness".
Lucy writes to the Bakeoff team " Welcome back my friends, we have great need of you" We do indeed have great need of nuggets of goodness, they have the power to change our world.
In the reading from Mark's gospel today, Jesus chooses his disciples. They would make no better candidates than most of us, normal human beings with all their flaws and weaknesses. Jesus taught them how the nuggets of love, goodness and selflessness have the ability to change the world. It is as powerful and as simple a message today as it was then. And our world has such need of it. What acts of goodness might we do today?
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13: 34-35
We have just returned from a glorious family wedding in Scotland where joy, laughter and love surrounded us, it was hard to leave it behind and to re -enter the world where the realities of trade wrangling and Amazonian deforestation present a much bleaker picture. I too want to squirrel away "nuggets of goodness".
Lucy writes to the Bakeoff team " Welcome back my friends, we have great need of you" We do indeed have great need of nuggets of goodness, they have the power to change our world.
In the reading from Mark's gospel today, Jesus chooses his disciples. They would make no better candidates than most of us, normal human beings with all their flaws and weaknesses. Jesus taught them how the nuggets of love, goodness and selflessness have the ability to change the world. It is as powerful and as simple a message today as it was then. And our world has such need of it. What acts of goodness might we do today?
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13: 34-35
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