Yesterday I wasted hours of precious time trying to do something on my laptop, which in the end I discovered is impossible. I tried it in different ways, I stopped and restarted. I threw out the previous idea and started on a new one and still it was impossible. By this time my neck ached, my head hurt and I'm ashamed to say God received a few angry words. After all, this was his work I was trying to do, why was he making it so hard?
It took me until the very end of the day to reach out and ask someone for help, and then the answer came in seconds enabling me to solve the problem.
Last night I went to the stations of the cross. For each station there were some words which named the crosses of today, naming these issues in our lives and our world which are not so very different from what Jesus encountered as he went to the cross. Those we condemn unjustly as he was condemned, those crosses we carry which make us fall, those whose dignity society we strip away on social media, and (as I felt Christ look down with a gentle smile) those times when we try to carry our crosses alone without asking for help.
"As the soldiers led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus." Luke 23 vs 26
It took me until the very end of the day to reach out and ask someone for help, and then the answer came in seconds enabling me to solve the problem.
Last night I went to the stations of the cross. For each station there were some words which named the crosses of today, naming these issues in our lives and our world which are not so very different from what Jesus encountered as he went to the cross. Those we condemn unjustly as he was condemned, those crosses we carry which make us fall, those whose dignity society we strip away on social media, and (as I felt Christ look down with a gentle smile) those times when we try to carry our crosses alone without asking for help.
"As the soldiers led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus." Luke 23 vs 26
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