Prayers and wobblecushions

This year I have acquired a wobble cushion.
In case you don't know what that is and I assume many will not, it is a blown up cushion given to me by the physiotherapist to help strengthen my Achilles tendon which has been giving me a fair bit of trouble. No one and I say this with feeling, no one is allowed to witness my sessions on the wobble cushion. Family jokes in this department are quite sufficient already without them bearing witness to their mother wobbling for five minutes at a time, twice a day.

It is, however, an exercise in putting my ankle on an insecure footing in order to strengthen it, and I have to admit, humiliating though it is, it is making a difference, which led me to reflect on how it is often when we are least secure, we can often grow in our faith.

No one would want insecurity, yet as a Christians we are taught not to put our faith in earthly things, that our whole life is a journey and building security in the things of this world will only disappoint. Our security comes from trusting in the God who loves us and will not let us fall whatever circumstances change around us.  That is hard to hold onto, for isn't it so easy to try and build our own cozy safe spaces.
 I have to be reminded of this again and again, in order to enable me to strengthen my faith, I have to practice it by taking time out  to pray and read my bible, and I constantly fail at both, but I do know that the times I work at it, it does make a difference. Just like my ankle.

If Moab was a washbasin, perhaps prayer can be a wobble cushion? Something that we need to practice to help us grow strong in an insecure world.

