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Week 4
We are nearly at the day where we move from Advent to Christmas. The preparation time is over and we get to enjoy and celebrate the Christmas season and so it seems a good point to reflect on the journey we might have had through the last four weeks.
I can't speak for anyone else but I have a few key things that have stood out for me, that I would like to share:
Firstly, I need to be more helpless. The house does not need to be perfect, its OK if I don’t get it all done. We spend a lot of this season trying to be in control, often failing miserably and beating ourselves up for it, but Christ came to be with us as a helpless baby, a baby who had to raised and cared for. So to accept that we are helpless in certain situations is OK, and to ask for help is OK, for it is in our weakness that God can do his work. Sometimes we just need to be and trust what will happen.
Secondly, I need to remember just how big Christmas is. The creator of heaven and earth is disrupting the universe, turning everything we know and can explain on its head, to be with us, simply because he loves us. Tinsel and glitter have their place, but this is huge.
Thirdly, there are many who will find Christmas difficult and struggle to celebrate. I believe the Christmas message is truly for them; that God cares, that he is with us, with each one of us, holding us in our pain and walking with us in our wilderness, there is hope as the prophets foretold, the crooked roads will be made straight and the rough ground become level.
Finally and much more frivolously, I have learned to build in time for the annual cold so that lemon and ginger can be enjoyed without fretting on what needs to be done, and that the world doesn’t end if you have to buy the Christmas cake……
I wish you all a very peaceful and joyful Christmas.
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