So here we are at the beginning of Advent and I wonder how you are feeling about it all? I have often told the story of the woman who stood by me looking blankly at the jars of pickled onions in the supermarket and groaned with such heartfelt angst - Oh God it’s Christmas.
And somehow no matter how brightly we start the season, I’m pretty sure at some point over the coming weeks we might each come to that point.
I don't want to be all bah humbug about it, because there is something wonderful and magical about the season, but let’s be honest it does bring with it an awful lot of hard work and worry and for some of us, it can be a really difficult time.
Sunday is the beginning of Advent, and my, haven’t Advent calendars grown up. From a glittery nativity to a chocolate feast to anything you can afford behind these little windows. The simple Advent calendar is now an object of desire and it seems to me that is the more disturbing side of Christmas. It seems to keep getting bigger and more complicated and more expensive and I’m not sure it’s more enjoyable for it.
Advent is the season of waiting, but what are we waiting for, what do we really want, what do we really need? The answer may be different for each of us, but at its heart is often a deep desire to feel whole, peaceful, contented, loved. As we journey through Advent, it may be a time you find yourself asking what do I really want?
This week the Holy family and the donkey will visit Dunmow again, as we act out the Christmas story, as we ‘Follow the Star’. It’s more than just a show, its a retelling of God’s story, of how he sent his son into this world to live among us, to show us that we are very much loved, it’s an invitation to anyone who seeks that peace and joy and wholeness to come and see.
Things to think about
How do you feel about Christmas?
If you could change one thing about the season what would it be?
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