Of chairs and apple trees

Last year I think I pruned my apple tree too hard because when the flowers arrived there were not many and subsequently very few apples despite, as everyone keeps telling me, what a good year this has been for apples. Our harvest, on the other hand, will probably only last about a week before we have to go and buy some more. So this time in preparation for the summer pruning I consulted youtube and several video clips on how to do it well. I think I must have blockages somewhere because they all said something a bit different and whenever I went out to my tree it was a bit more complicated than they made it look. I know at this point gardeners will be appalled, but I think what I really need is to stand beside someone and watch what they do, I find the instructions complicated.

Except ..... yesterday we took delivery of some folding chairs and here are the instructions 

Brilliant - truly my kind of instruction!              

Thre is a lovely story in Acts of the Ethiopian eunuch who is trying to understand the bible, 
"How can I (understand) unless someone explains it to me?" and it challenges me. It reminds me that when  I explain my faith maybe I need to be more in the style of folding chairs than tree pruning. 

"Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked.
 “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. " Acts 8 vs 30-31
