This afternoon I needed to make space in the garage for a few things I needed to store. A simple job I thought, just tidy a few bits up and make space. It was however like opening a very poorly maintained, Aladdin's cave filled with things I pulled out and thought , why on earth have we kept this?
So an hour and a half later we made a trip to the recycling with a very full car, aware that more needs to be done, and that is before we even think about the loft. More and more keeps on coming in , things get shoved out of the way and before we know it the house is bursting at the seams with stuff.
Last weekend I was lucky enough to be on retreat in the Lake District where we spent time studying the 23rd Psalm and something that I learned from it was that sheep don't like to drink from flowing water in case they fall in and the weight of their wool makes them sink. So in order to let them drink, the shepherd would dam up the flow of water to create the still waters the Psalmist writes of.
Maybe there are areas of life were we need to stop the flow, just to give us time to drink of the still waters, maybe we need to stop the flow of busyness, the flow of acquisition, the flow of demands, maybe we need to be led beside the quiet waters.
"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul." Psalm 23 vs 1-3
So an hour and a half later we made a trip to the recycling with a very full car, aware that more needs to be done, and that is before we even think about the loft. More and more keeps on coming in , things get shoved out of the way and before we know it the house is bursting at the seams with stuff.
Last weekend I was lucky enough to be on retreat in the Lake District where we spent time studying the 23rd Psalm and something that I learned from it was that sheep don't like to drink from flowing water in case they fall in and the weight of their wool makes them sink. So in order to let them drink, the shepherd would dam up the flow of water to create the still waters the Psalmist writes of.
Maybe there are areas of life were we need to stop the flow, just to give us time to drink of the still waters, maybe we need to stop the flow of busyness, the flow of acquisition, the flow of demands, maybe we need to be led beside the quiet waters.
"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul." Psalm 23 vs 1-3
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