This morning's bible reading was about the Kingdom of Heaven. It told a parable where Jesus likened the Kingdom to a mustard seed, small beginnings which become huge.
And so I have been thinking about mustard seed moments, the moment when a small group of us thought it might be a good idea to try putting on a live nativity with absolutely no idea how big it would become, the mustard seed moment of Connect 120, a local project due to launch in September where our new Schools and Communities Missioner will begin her work bringing together the churches, schools and communities in the area. Where it will lead we don't know, what it will look like we cannot see in detail yet but we do know the Kingdom will grow.
These mustard seed moments can be scary, they involve us stepping out but Jesus is telling us in the parables that it won't just come to us,we have to be brave. The mustard seed had to be planted, the man had to dig for the hidden treasure, the merchant had to search for the pearl, but such was the treasure that when they found it they were willing to give up everything they had.
And so I have been thinking about mustard seed moments, the moment when a small group of us thought it might be a good idea to try putting on a live nativity with absolutely no idea how big it would become, the mustard seed moment of Connect 120, a local project due to launch in September where our new Schools and Communities Missioner will begin her work bringing together the churches, schools and communities in the area. Where it will lead we don't know, what it will look like we cannot see in detail yet but we do know the Kingdom will grow.
These mustard seed moments can be scary, they involve us stepping out but Jesus is telling us in the parables that it won't just come to us,we have to be brave. The mustard seed had to be planted, the man had to dig for the hidden treasure, the merchant had to search for the pearl, but such was the treasure that when they found it they were willing to give up everything they had.
So we should be encouraged today, that even in a world where our Kingdoms aren't looking so good, when we might feel our struggle is pointless that nothing will change, we should remember the mustard seed and be encouraged , for whatever we our mustard seed moment is, be it time taken to be with someone who is lonely, or an encouraging word for someone who feels low, a cup of tea, or a gift to those in need, the Kingdom of heaven grows little by little.
" He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed,which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”
Matthew 13 vs 31-32
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