Hollering down the rabbit hole...

Today the dog disappeared
 One minute she was there the next absolutely no sign of her, not a rustling bush or a dot on the horizon, nothing. I began to panic a little because usually I can see her as she heads off in the wrong direction but today - nothing. 

Thinking  she might have gone down a rabbit hole I bent down and started to call her name near the edge and listen for any sort of weak whimper. Nothing, until I straightened up and found her at my feet just waiting with a look that said - what are you doing?

I will never know where she was, but I really should know by now to let her be. 

Sometimes we look in all the wrong places, we think if we just work harder we will solve the problem, if we just spend more it will be alright, if we search further we will find it. Yet God sees our struggles, he is alive and listening, waiting at our feet while we holler down the rabbit hole looking for him. 

"In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!"
Luke 24 vs 5-6
