Do we just look or do we really see?

Outside it seems very dull and misty, we could be forgiven for describing a colourless landscape with nothing worthy of our attention yet If we really look, we can start to see the green buds, the reds and oranges, the purples and blues until our landscape takes on a new look.

When John the Baptist baptised Jesus in the river Jordan he began to see just who and what Jesus was, for the first time he was really seeing. 
What does it mean to us to really see Jesus, to recognise who he is? 

Well I believe it changes our landscape. Work can be seen in a new light as part of God's purpose for us, worries grow smaller as we come to trust in God's love, and we see people differently, less judgementally but more as part of God's creation. I wish I could say I felt like that all the time but of course being human I fail. However when I do look, really look ,just like  really seeing the landscape, it feels as if I am living life in all its fulness.  Come, he said. Come and you will see.

"Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?”
They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?”
 “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.”" John 1 vs 38-39

