The table awaits

There is cooking and there is cooking  .

I'm more of the what's in the cupboard, throw something together  to fuel us up for the next part of the day sort of cook  whereas my husband takes care and really thinks about the meal, its flavours and its textures so that when I come home to meal he has cooked it is like being given a welcoming hug. 

This morning I read the 23rd psalm and instead of the bits that normally stand out, I was struck by the idea that God prepares a table, a banquet and treats us like an honoured guest as our cup overflows. That is a striking image of his love I think, to prepare a banquet - not just mess around with the leftovers, or rustle up any old thing  but to  a banquet. There is s sense of being special, of celebration, of joy in that because .. well because he loves us.

Jeremy Paxton was speaking on a radio programme I heard last week about how the lack of faith today robbed us of feeling cherished, of the sense that we are loved and cared in this universe, it seems to me these words illustrate are  what we might be missing.

"You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows." Psalm 23 vs 5
