Fishing in my own strength

The story of Jesus appearing to his disciples as they set out to fish has stayed with me this week and I have been thinking about how often I go out to "fish" without recognising Jesus. 

At Easter we celebrate and remember that Christ rose again but a few weeks down the line I am conscious of how often I set about my day in my own strength. I put my nets down and catch nothing because I am relying on my own resources and failing once again to leave my day in Christ's hands and trust in his guidance.

Once the disciples listened to Jesus and followed his instruction they filled their nets with fish, more than  was possible for the nets to take without breaking, yet they didn't break...

When will we learn?

"So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish,  but even with so many the net was not torn." John 21 vs 11
