It is not yet a week since we stood in churches throughout the country and prayed for Isaiah's vision of a world where nation stood with nation, where swords were beaten to ploughshare and spears to pruning hooks yet this morning that vision seems further away than ever.
How can we look at the events in Paris last night and not feel despair?
Over the coming weeks there will be grief and mourning, fear and hatred, opinions and more opinions will be given and as I walked this morning I tried to make sense of it, to make sense of my faith in such a dark moment.
Again and again one verse comes back to me
"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not put it out."
Maybe today that is all we can hold onto, but we need to hold onto it ,we need to walk in that light, we need to share that light with a world which feels despair, we need to be that light in our own lives and relationships. God will not let it fade, however dark the times - we have his promise.
"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not put it out." John 1 vs 5
How can we look at the events in Paris last night and not feel despair?
Over the coming weeks there will be grief and mourning, fear and hatred, opinions and more opinions will be given and as I walked this morning I tried to make sense of it, to make sense of my faith in such a dark moment.
Again and again one verse comes back to me
"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not put it out."
Maybe today that is all we can hold onto, but we need to hold onto it ,we need to walk in that light, we need to share that light with a world which feels despair, we need to be that light in our own lives and relationships. God will not let it fade, however dark the times - we have his promise.
"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not put it out." John 1 vs 5
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