What seems a very long time ago I ordered seeds for the garden excitedly looking through the catalogues at the beautiful combinations and imagining without any doubts whatsoever that my garden would look just like that for the price of a packet of seeds and a bit of effort.
Well the effort has been put in and the garden is looking good, but not all the seeds come as quickly or as robustly as they seemed to in the picture. This year I planted Perovskia, imagining swathes of ice blue as a background to my garden and they have grown very very slowly. So slowly in fact that I have more than once been on the point of giving up. Yesterday however I took a trip to Hyde Hall, the RHS garden just outside Chelmsford and was pleased ( and yes a bit envious) to see this beautiful plant in all its glory. It did leave me feeling the tiniest bit inadequate but it also gave me a bit of hope to persevere- that I had chosen the right plant and that given time it will be beautiful.
Its seems a bit like faith. When we follow Jesus we have a image of how we will be transformed
but as time goes on and we weather storms and difficulties, our progress can seem slow and sometime more like retreat. Perhaps my trip to Hyde hall is the equivalent of going to church - to see others who are further on in their journey, who have likewise faced problems but come through them, to hear God's word and see his love in action to realise that I did choose the right path and that the end will be worth it .
Well the effort has been put in and the garden is looking good, but not all the seeds come as quickly or as robustly as they seemed to in the picture. This year I planted Perovskia, imagining swathes of ice blue as a background to my garden and they have grown very very slowly. So slowly in fact that I have more than once been on the point of giving up. Yesterday however I took a trip to Hyde Hall, the RHS garden just outside Chelmsford and was pleased ( and yes a bit envious) to see this beautiful plant in all its glory. It did leave me feeling the tiniest bit inadequate but it also gave me a bit of hope to persevere- that I had chosen the right plant and that given time it will be beautiful.
Its seems a bit like faith. When we follow Jesus we have a image of how we will be transformed
but as time goes on and we weather storms and difficulties, our progress can seem slow and sometime more like retreat. Perhaps my trip to Hyde hall is the equivalent of going to church - to see others who are further on in their journey, who have likewise faced problems but come through them, to hear God's word and see his love in action to realise that I did choose the right path and that the end will be worth it .
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Hebrews 12 vs 1-3
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