This week sees the last night of our two year course in Christian studies, and as often happens when we reach the end of something it is useful to reflect back on what it has meant. So here goes...
I have learnt a lot and I have learnt it in so many different ways. We have listened, discussed, sang, we have been played music, shown artworks and handled icons , and the teaching has been inspiring.
I have made friends, shared some very personal experiences, listened while others opened themselves up until we travelled, no longer just a group but a team. Two years is a long time and stuff happens. Speaking for myself two years saw my first child leaving home for university and the death of my mum.So there were tears and there was laughter but most importantly there was always love and care and understanding.
In some ways it doesn't seem two years, in some ways more , as we draw to a close its easy to forget the dark winter nights when it would have been so much easier to curl up on the sofa after work, or the daunting evening faced with a blank page which needed an essay. Yet I have never once regretted making the effort, because each time I tried hard I gained more, each time I searched, something was revealed to me. It seemed at times that the things I thought familiar were opened up in a new light.
As TS Eliot wrote
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
So thank you to all who led, thank you to all fellow explorers, and thank you to God for the many gifts given to us through this experience and here's to further exploration....
I have learnt a lot and I have learnt it in so many different ways. We have listened, discussed, sang, we have been played music, shown artworks and handled icons , and the teaching has been inspiring.
I have made friends, shared some very personal experiences, listened while others opened themselves up until we travelled, no longer just a group but a team. Two years is a long time and stuff happens. Speaking for myself two years saw my first child leaving home for university and the death of my mum.So there were tears and there was laughter but most importantly there was always love and care and understanding.
In some ways it doesn't seem two years, in some ways more , as we draw to a close its easy to forget the dark winter nights when it would have been so much easier to curl up on the sofa after work, or the daunting evening faced with a blank page which needed an essay. Yet I have never once regretted making the effort, because each time I tried hard I gained more, each time I searched, something was revealed to me. It seemed at times that the things I thought familiar were opened up in a new light.
As TS Eliot wrote
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
So thank you to all who led, thank you to all fellow explorers, and thank you to God for the many gifts given to us through this experience and here's to further exploration....
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