The Bigger Picture

Yesterday morning I took the dog a different route on our walk which took us past some pens where pheasant were being raised in preparation for the coming season. As we walked past smartly, well I walked smartly and Macy had to be dragged away, I noticed a small pheasant which had escaped, running around the outside of the pen and trying very hard to get back inside.

Much as I understood the need for it to be beside its fellow pheasant I couldn't help thinking how little it understood of the bigger picture and I wanted to tell it to run away as fast as it could in any direction as long as it didn't go back in the pen.

I wonder if that's how we appear to God sometimes. Again and again the Jesus reminds us that God wants us to be free, free from guilt and worry, free to be the people we were created to be, but no  we just keep right on trying to get back into that pen.

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. "
John 8 vs 36
