By  the time I sat down to dinner last night I was feeling a sense of despair at the world in which we live; the news of the Malaysian airline, the fighting in Gaza and the ongoing troubles in Syria. The world seems to be becoming a more dangerous place by the minute and the future can look frightening.

To get my head out of it I went out to  the garden to do a spot of watering , and it was like entering a whole new world. The sun was setting after a very hot day and the colours spread over the garden, the plants are at their best with all sorts of shade and colour , the fields smelled of the heat and the wheat and there was peace all around except for the church bells ringing in the distance.

It seems to me that in spite of all the mess humanity makes of things, God is still there, in his creation, in his church; those bells remind me that good will win, that evil will not have the last word.

I don't understand the troubles of the world and God knows I may not be protected from them but I am certain that he will always be there and that as Julian of Norwich famously said : 'All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.'

I don't need to know any more.

Church Tower 
                                                                Watercolour by EB
