No Squeaks

Since we moved in last September our oven has squeaked. It is annoying, but most of the time we don't notice it, even as we shout above it to make ourselves heard.

However this morning it was fixed and it is the silence I am noticing. It's amazing what you put up with when it could be so much better. I think we have all experienced a little of that lately when the absence of flights and road traffic over lockdown helped us to hear the birdsong more clearly. 

Sometimes we get so used to living with the noise and clamour we forget there may be other sounds we are drowning out.  I am reminded that God's voice came to Elijah not in  the earthquake, wind or fire but in the silence , in a small gentle voice.

 How hard does God have to shout to get my attention I wonder?

Today's I was drawn to a scruffy bunch of daisies I had stuck in a jar,  something of their joy brought brightness into a gloomy morning.
