Clothed in Christ......

A couple of weeks ago , (or was it ten years), was mothers day and the text I preached on was about being clothed in Christ. Although we suspected there might be trouble ahead, I don’t think anyone could have predicted that we would be confined to such close quarters for such a length of time….

I was thinking this morning on my walk, that it’s a real test of what it means to be clothed in Christ…I think Christ might be a tiny bit disappointed with how I was wearing that clothing….I am not a joy to be with each day. I am not a selfless being at all times, and there have been tears…oh there have been tears.

Yet the words in Galatians suggest that by believing , we are clothed in Christ, it isn’t something we need to live up to, it doesn’t mean we have be good and perfect all the time, it means that when we turn to him , he clothes us in his love and protection, often in spite of ourselves. As I saw the buds in the trees and Spring appearing across the countryside, it seemed to say I could no more resist being clothedin Christ  than nature can resist clothing herself in Spring.  Christ came to earth, fully human,  he knows us, he knows we are not perfect, I imagine he got fed up with he disciples sometimes  he knows this time will be hard and that we are doing the best we can…… and that’s OK. 

"for all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ" Galatians 3 vs 27

Today's sketch
