
Having inherited a garden with huge hydrangea bushes, I have been trying to paint them and , as always , I have learnt a lot from looking closely. Each flower is made up of lots of little ones all slightly different in shade, shape, age. On their own not really that impressive but together they give this lovely, rich, textured head.

It's community. Each one different but together making a thing of beauty as they hold together. Sometimes we forget and struggle on our own to make things happen, but it is just so much better together. 

This weekend the church has an art display, all types of painting, all different ways of creating and each lovely on its own, but together making a spectacle, as we display the gifts God gave us and give thanks for his wonderful creativity. 

"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."
1 Corinthians 12   vs 27
