Its not all about the grades...

Yesterday our boiler was due its annual check and so we waited in as requested for the engineer to arrive. Since last year we have changed companies and so this was a new system but I thought nothing of it. It was a good day to stay home, catch up on the holiday washing and relax. 

All this was fine and good until the engineer duly arrived and informed us that because our boiler was linked to an underfloor heating system we would fail the initial inspection and not be covered by this company. The whys and wherefores don't really matter, what matters is that me and my boiler have been rejected, rejected from a service we were actually paying for. It is not a good feeling and I think we both feel a little less worthy following the events of yesterday...

All of this brought to mind the dreaded results days whichever been happening for A level and will happen in a couple of days for GCSE. Where hopes and dreams are pinned on grades and an unexpected blip can feel like rejection and failure. Which is so sad isn't it? There was an article in the Guradian this weekend which pointed out that the word education derives from a latin word meaning to lead out. I like that, that our education leads us out of ourselves to new things, to become the people we are meant to be. It is so much more than a grade, we and our children are so much more than a set of grades.

When Jesus preached he made it very clear that a person is loved by God whatever box the world puts them into, and it is that which gives us our worth. So in spite of my engineer and no matter what this week holds for our teenagers, we would do well to remind them how infinitely special they are in God's eyes and in ours and that they each have a very special part to play in this world.

My boiler is beginning to perk up already...

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Matthew 10 vs 29-31
