Walking in their footsteps

I am lucky enough to have an old treadle singer sewing machine which was given to me by my grandmother and has provided an attractive hall table for some years now. This month however I decided to use it again.
 It all started a few weeks ago when  went looking for a simple skirt, and feeling a bit mean, thought they were overpriced, I mean how hard can it be to produce a wrap a round skirt. Well I will come back to that after I've  tried, but the point is I decided to get the treadle up and running again.

It didn't take much, a bit of oil and a loosening of some screws and it was running beautifully.

It has been a very long time since I used it but as I wound the bobbin and threaded the needle it all came back and I felt as if I was a little girl again watching my mum and granny practise the craft. Handling the tools and working the treadle is a bit like walking in the footsteps of those who have gone before and it feels very satisfying. I may not produce anything wearable but I have learned from them lessons I thought were long forgotten.

This morning's reading was about Moses choosing his successor - what a set of footsteps to follow yet Joshua does it , he walks in those steps, learning from Moses and being led by God. That's seems a pretty good lesson for us - to learn from those who go before and let ourselves be led by God.

"As the Lord had commanded,Moses put his hands on Joshua's head and proclaimed him as his successor." Numbers 27 vs 23
