Just turn up

One of the things we have been doing this summer is trying a bit of golf. We haven't got further than the driving range but its a good place to start. Being a Scot there is an assumption that I might have golfing abilities in my DNA but alas not so.

So I have started at the beginning, on the driving range.

Standing on the range, with such a distance to cover, all my instincts are to whack that ball as hard as I possibly can. However as I worked through my bucket of balls  and listened to the advice I realised that the harder I tried to hit the ball the worse I became and it was only when I slowed down, thought about it and let myself swing through, that the ball actually went anywhere.

Well isn't that a lesson for me in life too. Sometimes when I see the amount of things which need doing I just whack harder and harder into it and get no-where.
Now this is where the golf analogy ends; no hints now for golfers, just for life.... because doesn't the bible famously say just that, that we are saved by faith alone, not by how hard we work at it, not by how much we do, but just by turning up.

I still find that difficult to accept, that God loves us so much we just have to turn up, and there I stand week after week whacking away at that bucket of balls....

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—  not by works" Ephesians 2 vs 8-9
